Silt Fence

Silt Fence 

A silt fence is a temporary sediment control device that is used in construction projects to protect water quality in surrounding streams, rivers, lakes, and other bodies of water from sediment runoff. Silt fences are designed to retain sediment where the soil has been disturbed by the construction process. 

The design and placement of the silt fence should create a pooling of runoff, allowing sedimentation. Because a silt fence works by “ponding,” it allows sediment to sink while the water soaks into the ground or evaporates. 

Silt fence fabric is trenched into the ground and backfilled, and posts are attached to hold it vertical. Maintenance is required when using a silt fence or its purpose can be compromised. They should be inspected regularly, and any rips, tears, or broken/laying posts should be replaced immediately.

Most silt fences are installed near the perimeter of the project and they are often used in combination with other erosion control methods.

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